Can EMFs Affect Pets? Protect Your Family with WaveBlock™

Can EMFs Affect Pets? Protect Your Family with WaveBlock™

In the digital era we live in, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are an omnipresent part of our lives. The tech gadgets we know and love (think cell phones, wireless earbuds, laptops, iPads, etc) all emit EMF radiation in order to work, which means we are constantly exposed.

This fact is why WaveBlock™ was created. WaveBlock™ makes affordable, easy-to-use, and discreet stickers that significantly reduce EMF radiation exposure with one simple application. WaveBlock™ spent hours of time in FCC-accredited labs creating these stickers and now holds the first and only patent for a technology that can reduce EMF exposure without affecting the efficacy of tech devices.

As our dependency of technology grows as a society, concerns about EMF radiation and pollution have escalated. While tech companies continue to push out products without clear warnings, scientists are starting to develop more and more research that shows consistent exposure to EMF radiation can lead to serious health effects like migraines, chronic fatigue, fertility issues, tissue damage, and in extreme cases, cancer.

At WaveBlock™, we have dedicated countless hours on creating products that keep humans safe from these harmful EMFs. Our website also has a EMF protection blog with a plethora of resources for educating yourself, protecting yourself, and more.

But did you know that EMF radiation can have an effect on the furry members of our families too? Even though our dogs and cats don’t have cell phones, they are certainly exposed to things like power lines, WiFi routers, and are often near us when we use our favorite tech devices.

While the research on the effects of EMF radiation in animals is less than that of the research of its effects on humans, we do know that most things that are dangerous for humans tend to be dangerous for animals too. It’s why doctors and vets encourage you not to smoke around your pets as well.

EMF Radiation and Pets

Can EMF radiation affect pets?

Just like some humans are more sensitive to EMF radiation than others (EMF hypersensitivity), your pet could also experience adverse effects to EMF exposure. One reason this is true is that a lot of the studies done by scientists regarding EMF radiation and its negative health effects have been performed on rats. You may not have a rat as a pet, but you can assume that what would be harmful to them could be harmful to you and your pet.

If scientists can successfully make assumptions about humans based on lab studies done on rats, the same is true for other mammals. 

Perhaps the most similarity is between humans and dogs given that they often share the same living spaces and remain closeby to each other. Between cell phones, laptops, WiFi routers, power lines, home appliances, and smart meters, dogs experience the same ongoing exposure that we do. Pet owners should aim to take the same precautions for their pets as they do for themselves by minimizing overall exposure and making sure there is no high-powered tech near the spots where your animals sleep. If you notice any bizarre activity from your pet and feel that they have high exposure to EMF radiation, consider consulting with your vet. WaveBlock™ has a list of a plethora of ways to keep you and your animal protected.

Is there science to suggest EMF radiation negatively effects pets?

There are epidemiology studies that show that animals exposed to EMFs can have similar behavioral responses that EMF sensitive humans do like fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentration. One study found that rats exposed to high levels of EMF radiation could not readily escape the area they were being tested in due to behavior changes. 

A 2021 documentary titled “Something is in the Air” even showed how bees can be affected by cell phone radiation. An experiment was done by placing microphones in beehives to assess behavior based on how much noise they were making at different levels of cellular output from 2G to 5G. After just 30 minutes at the 2G level (significantly less powerful than the 5G networks we have today), several bees left the hive leaving the colony in chaos. At a 5G level, the insects absorption of EMFs went from 3% to an astonishing 370%, which led to deviations in physiology and behavior.

EMF Radiation Effects

Does EMF radiation affect pets differently than humans?

In the last decade or so, there has been a massive increase in dog deaths related to cancer. This can, of course, be caused by several different things. However, because EMF radiation has been linked to an increase in cancer risk, this is a concern for those of us who have dogs as pets. 

EMFs can damage DNA at a structural level, increase oxidative stress in cells, inhibit cell-to-cell communication, and cause other tissue damage. This damaging health issues can cause several issues, including cancer, to both humans and pets.

Another thing to note is one of the reasons WaveBlock™ was founded. WaveBlock™ was created by a concerned father trying to protect his kids. Did you know that children absorb ten times as much radiation as adults do, making them far more at risk when exposed to EMFs? When our founder discovered this, he vowed to find a solution for making tech safer. 

One of the main reasons that kids are more susceptible to EMF radiation is due to their small bodies. Just like children, our pets are smaller, and therefore absorb EMF more easily. 

What can you do to decrease EMF radiation exposure for you and your pets?

Whether you have a pet or not, decreasing your EMF radiation exposure is very important. Our pets are exposed to the same EMFs we are, and in a time where many Americans are working from home, we tend to be home with our pets while using a lot of Bluetooth tech equipment that emits EMFs.

It’s important to remember that EMF exposure is highest based on proximity. Your exposure level decreases rapidly the farther you get from the source. As much as you can, get some distance for you and your furry friends from EMF-emitting devices. Try and keep things like WiFi routers/boosters, cordless phones, and wireless cameras away from where you and your pet sleep.

The best thing you can do is be aware. Educate yourself on EMFs and their effects and take proper precautions. At WaveBlock™, we don’t encourage people to ditch their tech. We simply provide an easy solution for making your tech safer. Adding a WaveBlock™ sticker to your cell phone, laptop, iPad, or earbuds can keep you and your pet who may be snoozing nearby safe. These devices remain so close to our bodies for so many hours of the day, which puts all mammals at risk.

Protect you and your pet from EMF Radiation with WaveBlock™

While minimal exposure to low-level EMFs isn’t considered to be harmful, the reality is that we live in a world where consistent, long-term exposure to EMF radiation is part of our lives. By using WaveBlock™, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re taking steps to reduce radiation for your family and pets.

At WaveBlock™, we are here to support you on your journey towards safer tech for you and your family members. If you have any questions about our products, lab reports, or anything else, we invite you to contact our team.

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