woman sitting at a desk in the day time with a laptop and paperwork in front of her. her glasses are on the table as well as she grabs the top of her nose indicating she has a headache

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Are You Sensitive to EMF Radiation?

At WaveBlock™, our mission is to create simple, affordable, and easy-to-use products that help keep men, women, and children safe from electromagnetic (EMF) radiation. In this digital age, we are all constantly surrounded by EMF pollution. Cell phones, iPads, wireless earbuds, laptops, WiFi routers, 5G towers, and so much more emit radiation in order to work. While these tech gadgets are integral to helping us work and communicate with each other, they also emit EMF radiation. 

There have been differing viewpoints on the concerns around long-term EMF exposure. Tech companies want you to believe that there is no danger from their devices. However, even companies like Apple suggest (in the fine print) that you should keep your phones and iPads at a distance. On the other hand, there are a growing number of studies that show there are negative correlations between EMF radiation and health. Long-term exposure has been linked to headaches, fatigue, sleep interruptions, infertility, and more.

As our tech devices get smarter and more capable, they need to emit more radiation in order to connect to other devices and perform all of their functions. Unfortunately, the FCC hasn’t updated its radiation limits for tech devices since the late 1990s. This means government regulations on allowed amounts of radiation exposure are extremely outdated.

At WaveBlock™, we strive to help people feel safer using their technology. We have many customers who have experienced a decrease in headaches or other symptoms from excessive use of tech devices.

What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

This brings us to electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS. While the team at WaveBlock™ believes all people can benefit from reducing their radiation exposure, some people experience EHS, which makes them more susceptible to negative side effects of EMFs. 

In the past, EHS was deemed a syndrome rather than a medical condition. However, a recent study from the National Library of Medicine clearly suggests otherwise. Researchers were able to find “sufficient clinical, biological, and radiological data for EHS to be acknowledged as a well-defined, objectively identified, and characterized pathological neurologic disorder.”

Every human body is different. Some humans are more sensitive to radiation than others. EHS is typically characterized by frequent and intense symptoms in relation to EMF exposure. Some people are so affected that being around such radiation allows them to be unable to work or live in certain environments. 

Because the conversation around EMF radiation as a health hazard is so new, most people who experience EHS have been brushed off by their doctors as psychiatric cases. Many are overlooked and unable to find the true cause. It’s also incredibly difficult to suffer from a condition that involves the technology that is so widely used everywhere you go in our modern world.

Common symptoms of EHS or EMF sensitivity include body aches, nausea, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, mental health issues, dizziness, seizures, and more. These are all symptoms we hope to combat with WaveBlock™ EMF-reduction stickers.

As the research around EMF exposure grows, there is more evidence to suggest the realities of EMF sensitivity. A 2017 study tested ten patients who experienced EHS. All ten patients had the same abnormalities in the same areas of their MRI brain scans. The study also showed that patients with electrosensitivity had very similar symptoms to patients suffering from exposure to neurotoxic chemicals. 

Another important thing to note was that seven of the 10 patients lived in close proximity to large amounts of EMF pollution. One subject lived close to an AT&T cell tower. One was an air-traffic controller (side note: did you know pilots and flight attendants are considered radiation workers?). One worked with high-voltage power lines.

How Do I Know if I Have EMF Sensitivity of EHS?

If you are consistently experiencing any symptoms listed below, the WaveBlock™ team highly recommends seeking medical attention or advice: 

  1. Headaches
  2. Flu-Like Symptoms
  3. Migraines
  4. Fatigue
  5. Sleep Disturbances
  6. Dizziness
  7. Vertigo
  8. Nausea
  9. Skin Rashes
  10. Skin Tingling
  11. Brain Fog
  12. Muscle Pain
  13. Mental Health Issues (Anxiety, Depression)
  14. Seizures

These symptoms can be linked to many other diagnoses, of course. So, we also urge you to consider how much time you are spending around EMF-emitting devices and trying to test whether those symptoms stay or go away when away from those devices or when using WaveBlock™ stickers. Consider sharing with your medical provider how much time you spend around EMF devices, how close you are to WiFi routers, how close you are to cell towers, or other important radiation exposure information.

Another important thing to note is that studies show that the majority of people who suffer with EMF sensitivity are women. While more research certainly needs to be done, this may simply be due to the biological differences between men and women. 

There are certain medical offices or clinics that specialize in EHS and the WaveBlock™ team highly recommends considering that option if you think you may be suffering from EMF sensitivity.

What Can I Do if I Suffer from EMF Sensitivity or EHS?

There are several ways you can reduce your EMF exposure. The most important thing is being aware of what devices you have and how you are using them. Here are some tips from the WaveBlock™ team:

    1. Address your WiFi router: WiFi routers emit large amounts of EMFs. Turn off your WiFi router when you aren’t using it. When you are using it, make sure you are at least 15 to 20 feet from it and definitely don’t keep it in your bedroom
    2. Opt for wired connections: Instead of wireless earbuds, you can use headphones that plug into your phone or other device. Instead of WiFi, you can opt for a wired Ethernet connection to the internet. Use a wired mouse when you can as well. 
    3. Keep your phone away from you: Keep your phone as far from you as possible. Use speakerphone instead of holding your phone to your face. Keep your phone away from you while you sleep.
    4. Use airplane mode: Putting your phone or other devices in airplane mode can significantly reduce the amount of EMF radiation needed. This is because it disconnects your device from cellular towers, WiFi, and Bluetooth.
    5. Watch out for ionizing radiation, too: WaveBlock™ protects you from non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is what comes off our tech devices and is lower on the electromagnetic spectrum. However, you should also be wary around ionizing radiation, which comes from things like x-ray machines or gamma rays from the sun. Use sunscreen and avoid x-rays unless absolutely necessary. 
    6. Create a safe sleep zone: Try to remove all tech devices from your bedroom so that your body can get the rest and recuperation it needs.
  • Use EMF protection devices: The team at WaveBlock™ understands that tech is a part of our lives. Help make your tech safer by using WaveBlock™ stickers to reduce your radiation exposure. Our simple stickers are lab tested and patented.

  • Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation with WaveBlock™

    If you suffer from EMF sensitivity, you are not alone. Several of our customers have told us they’ve experienced a significant reduction in EHS symptoms after purchasing WaveBlock™ products. If you don’t suffer from EHS, it’s still worth protecting yourself. 


    If you have any questions about our research, lab testing, or products, feel free to contact us! Stay safe!

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