What is “Dirty Electricity” & How Can You Prevent It?
At WaveBlock™, our mission has always been creating affordable, easy-to-use products that help create men, women, and children from the effects of EMF radiation emitted by tech devices. We are so proud to be the first and only company to hold a U.S.-granted patent for our technology that reduces EMF radiation without affecting device efficacy.
While the WaveBlock™ team continues to work tirelessly to create more EMF radiation reduction stickers for more products and models, we also pride ourselves on educating families about EMF radiation pollution and how it can affect our homes and communities. Our EMF education blog has several articles detailing free tips or EMF radiation protection, understanding EMF pollution, and much more.
Today, the WaveBlock™ team wants to educate homeowners and renters on something called “Dirty Electricity.” Dirty electricity, also known as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), is one of the most common types of EMF radiation pollution in homes and apartments. This type of EMF pollution happens when electrical power lines or the electrical wiring in your home contain frequencies outside of the standard 60 Hertz (Hz) electrical current (50 Hz in European countries).
In order to work outside of the normal electrical current rate, dirty electricity piggybacks on the electrical wiring and radiates additional EMF pollution into your living space. These amplified amounts of EMF radiation can cause several negative health effects to people including headaches, nausea, chronic fatigue, tinnitus, and more.
These days, it’s almost impossible to escape EMF radiation pollution. Between hot spots, WiFi networks, tech devices aplenty, and so much more, we are constantly exposed to EMFs. Thankfully, WaveBlock™ offers EMF-reducing stickers for devices like iPhones, iPads, AirPods, and much more. WaveBlock™ stickers will help you reduce your EMF exposure from the devices that remain closest to your body. However, WaveBlock™ cannot protect you against most of the culprits that cause dirty electricity or EMI.
Let’s learn more about how dirty electricity works.
What is Dirty Electricity or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)?
Dirty electricity is formally defined as erratic spikes and surges of electrical energy that travels along power lines and building wiring where only standard 60 Hz electricity should be. It can be caused by power strikes, excessive noise on the power lines, low power, voltage sag, and noise harmonics. It is most commonly caused by intentional manipulation of electricity done by things like lighting fixtures, appliances, and other tech devices.
To try and simplify, dirty electricity happens when 60 Hz electricity is polluted by other interferences. The problem is that dirty electricity can add power of anywhere between 120 Hz to 240 Hz, which ultimately increases EMF radiation pollution in your home. As research has shown us at WaveBlock™, consistent exposure to increased EMF pollution can have several health effects.
What Causes Dirty Electricity or an Increase in EMF Radiation?
More often than not, the high-frequency electromagnetic appliances or lighting you love is causing dirty electricity in your home. Our WaveBlock™ customers are often surprised to find this out. Devices like inverter refrigerators, mini-split air conditioning units, furnaces, and smart home devices can produce EMI that contaminates your power supply. In a more industrial setting, things like generators, motors, and pumps can also cause dirty electricity.
In addition to added EMFs in your home, devices that cause EMI often increase your energy bill as well. Installing filters and suppressing high-frequency signals is key for households. Let’s talk about what devices in your home or apartment may be causing added EMF radiation pollution.
What Household Items Cause Dirty Electricity & EMF Pollution?
The following devices typically cause dirty electricity:
Solar system inverters (converting DC power to AC power)
PLC smart meters (sending data over power lines by adding more Hz)
Electric vehicle chargers (converting high-current AC power to DC power)
Compact Fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs
Some LED light bulbs
Fluorescent light bulbs
Digital utility billing meters
Electronic power converters
Light switches with a dimmer option
Electrical devices in your home and on the grid that have a switch mode power supply (SMPS)
EMI is very common in modern homes. The more “smart” devices we add to our house, the more Hz they need. When an electronic source of EMI is plugged in, dirty electricity travels along your wires and throughout your home.
What Are Alternatives to Reduce EMF Pollution & Dirty Electricity?
The WaveBlock™ team has done thorough research to give you alternatives to dirty electricity in your home. We know that smart tech can be helpful, but consider making some of these changes if you notice that you or anyone in your home is having EMF sensitivity.
Make sure your utility meters for electric, water, and gas are analog or mechanical rather than digital.
Replace dimmer switches with standard on/off light switches
Choose electronics without SMPS whenever possible
Replace CFL & fluorescent lights with safer lighting options like incandescent or halogen light bulbs. Incandescent lights use more electricity, which is why researchers have been developing energy-efficient ones. Be aware that halogen lights can get very hot, so do not place them somewhere a child can reach them.
If you must use a CFL bulb, do not put them in lamps or places that would be close to the body.
Unplug devices and battery chargers when not in use
Do a consultation for the installation of active and passive filters that can help minimize EMI or dirty electricity. EMF trained electricians can assess the best course of action for your home. Know that these filters will help but won’t be able to block dirty electricity completely. You can also ask about remote EMF switches or filters that allow you to disconnect your bedroom wiring from the grid at night.
Avoid bright white LED lights by opting for warmer lighting.
When choosing LED bulbs, opt for high-quality and high-efficiency bulbs that do not use a transformer.
Dirty electricity can have many of the same health effects for humans as any other type of EMF radiation. To help, it’s important to identify EMI sources and eliminate or reduce them if possible.
How to Measure Dirty Electricity in Your Home
Measuring dirty electricity in your home is a big step towards protecting you and your family from EMF radiation pollution. There are multiple types of dirty electricity or EMI meters you can buy that measure the voltage transients that are produced by appliances and devices in your home. At WaveBlock™, we can only speak for our EMF-reducing stickers, so we don’t like to suggest or recommend specific meter brands. However, a few minutes of research should help you pick which you feel is best for your home and circumstances.
You can also use an AM radio. This is an affordable and easy way to measure EMF and identify sources that add dirty electricity to your home wiring. While filtering is certainly beneficial, eliminating the main sources of dirty electricity altogether is the best way to protect your homes. Monitoring your devices is the best way to do that.
Learn More About EMF Radiation & Protect Your Family with WaveBlock™
The WaveBlock™ team is here to be your resource for all things EMF radiation protection. While we can’t help with large appliances or lighting, our WaveBlock™ stickers can help reduce your radiation exposure to the devices that ultimately spend the time closest to your physical body. We have protection options for several phone, earbud, tablet, and laptop brands and models.
If you have any questions about our lab testing, products, or EMF radiation in general, please feel free to contact our team. We’d love to help.