Can Airplane Mode Reduce Your EMF Radiation Exposure?

Can Airplane Mode Reduce Your EMF Radiation Exposure?

If you’ve been on an airplane recently, you’ve probably heard the flight attendants remind you to turn your phone to airplane mode when the plane is about to leave the gate. Airplane mode was created to be used solely in flight as an alternate option to completely turning off your phone. Turning on airplane mode (or flight mode) disables the radio signals that allow your device to connect to things like WiFi, Bluetooth, or a cellular network. 

But did you know that using airplane mode can do more than just help the flight crew? Using it both in and out of flight can decrease your exposure to Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation.

In order for your phone to make those connections, it must send radio frequency (RF) signals that create a form of EMF radiation. That’s right. All cell phones emit EMF radiation in order to do all of the wonderful things they can do. WaveBlock™ was created to help lower your exposure to EMF radiation. Our company’s WaveBlock™ stickers are lab-tested and proven to disperse the radiation emitted from your phone (or earbuds, tablet, or computer) away from your body.

EMF radiation is made up of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and RF radiation. ELF radiation is emitted by literally any electronic device with a plug or battery. RF radiation is what your mobile device emits to connect itself to cell towers, routers, accessories, and more.

The WaveBlock™ team has done hours of research about EMF radiation and the negative effects it can have on people, especially children.

symptoms of EMF exposure- a chart

Feel free to look at our lab test results or other articles in our EMF resource blog on the WaveBlock™ website to learn more.

In a digital age, we constantly have some kind of electronic device near our body for long periods of time. That consistent exposure has been linked to things as small as headaches and skin conditions and as big as cell damage and cancer. A study from the National Toxicology Program proved that high exposure to EMF radiation caused heart, brain, and adrenal gland tumors in male rats.

The team at WaveBlock™ isn’t trying to deter you from using the latest and greatest tech; but we are here to help you use them safely.

Airplane mode is a great way to help! Let’s learn more.

What Exactly is Airplane Mode?

airplane mode on, featured on iPhone device

So we know that airplane mode is an option on your cell phone that the flight attendants ask you to turn on. But why? While flying, the RF signals emitted from mobile devices can interfere with sensors and equipment that pilots use on commercial airplanes. According to Flight Global, there used to be a legitimate risk of phones interfering with navigation instruments, particularly on some models of Boeing 737. Don’t worry, though. If you forget to turn on airplane mode, you have a very low chance of truly affecting your flight. If anything, you’ll just lose a lot of battery life because your phone will be searching for cell service that it can’t get six to seven miles above ground. 

The good news is that turning on airplane mode also lowers your exposure to EMF radiation. Because your phone isn’t constantly searching for cellular service, it won’t need to emit as much EMF radiation.

How Does Using Airplane Mode Reduce EMF Exposure?

Your phone may be small, but it can have anywhere from four to 13 radio antennae within that little device, depending on your model. Some examples include WiFi 2.45 GHz, WiFi 5 GHz, Bluetooth 2.4 GHz, Cellular LTE, Cellular 5G, etc. Remember when phones used to have a little antenna pointing out at the top of the device? That’s now much smaller and located inside your phone.

Because of all these antennas, your phone is essentially acting like a mini radio tower that you walk around with. As we mentioned before, when you are on the ground and not in airplane mode, your phone is sending out RF signals (which creates EMF radiation) in order to connect to Bluetooth devices, WiFi, and cell towers. When your phone can’t find a signal, which is what happens in the air or when you don’t have good cell reception, it increases its efforts to find a signal, which spikes the RF levels.

Airplane mode stops your device from transmitting and receiving those signals, therefore reducing your EMF exposure. That’s why the Environmental Health Trust lists using airplane mode as a top way to reduce the radiation exposure coming off your phone. Plus, the WaveBlock™ team wants to remind you that you can use airplane mode off a plane as well.

What Can You Still Do in Airplane Mode?

Because of the ability to pre-download content, airplane mode really isn’t all that detrimental. You can still do plenty with your phone with airplane mode on while also protecting yourself from EMF exposure.

In full airplane mode, you can still:

  1. Listen to pre-downloaded music & podcasts
  2. Watch pre-downloaded movies & TV
  3. Read pre-downloaded books on your phone
  4. Take pictures and videos
  5. Set alarms and reminders
  6. Use the notes app
  7. Play games that don’t require WiFi
  8. Use AirDrop
  9. Use GPS (on more recent Android and iOS models)

Plus, airplane mode has become more customizable throughout the years. You can be in airplane mode and also manually turn on WiFi or Bluetooth, which will allow you to connect to your other devices and get internet. It’s important to note that if you connect to WiFi and Bluetooth, you will get EMF exposure, but disconnecting from cellular signals does help! If you have airplane mode on, WiFi on, and Bluetooth on, the only thing you can’t do is make calls.

How Do I Turn on Airplane Mode?

If you have an iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open the Control Center and tap the button with the airplane on it so it turns orange
  2. OR go to Settings, then airplane mode, and tap the slider to turn it on

If you have an Android:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen two times to open quick settings
  2. Look for the airplane mode toggle in the grid
  3. If you don’t see it, you may need to swipe to the side to access more icon options.

If you have an Apple Watch (yes, those have antennas and give off EMF radiation, too):

  1. Press the round button on the side of your watch to go to home screen
  2. Tap the settings app
  3. Find airplane mode and switch it to on

Why/When Should I Use Airplane Mode When Not in Flight?

At WaveBlock™, we are all about reducing EMF exposure. But there are other perks to airplane mode as well. Firstly, this setting can save battery! Even when your phone is locked and the screen isn’t on, your phone is still constantly working to maintain a cellular connection. If you need to save battery, airplane mode allows your phone to “do less work,” which protects you from EMFs and prolongs the battery life.

You can also use airplane mode while traveling abroad to avoid any potential roaming charges or fees. These days, most places abroad have WiFi access. Keep the cellular signal off and do what you need via WiFi without getting a big international data bill.

Ready to lessen your exposure in and out of a plane? The WaveBlock™ team suggests that you also use airplane mode when you are:

  1. At a movie
  2. At a show
  3. In a meeting
  4. Out to dinner
  5. Napping
  6. Sleeping at night
  7. Grocery shopping
  8. At a sporting event (that likely won’t have great service anyway)
  9. At the gym
  10. Spending quality time with people you love

These are typically times you wouldn’t be using your phone anyway. 

As always, we also recommend getting a WaveBlock™ protection sticker for all of your eligible devices. That way if you do need WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular connection for your phone, you can reduce your EMF exposure while doing so. We make WaveBlock™ stickers for iPhones and several Android devices. 

The Best EMF Radiation Protection Stickers for iPhones, AirPods, MacBooks, iPads, Samsungs | WaveBlock™️ | 5G Cell Phone Shield

Our team has worked tirelessly to create affordable, easy-to-use stickers that reduce your exposure while also making sure that your devices still work. Any company claiming that they can completely block EMF radiation is scamming you. A device needs some radiation emitted in order to work properly. You can also get WaveBlock™ stickers for your wireless earbuds, tablets, and laptops.

Let us help you use your devices in a safer way. Join the WaveBlock™ family and remember to use airplane mode whenever you can. If you aren’t using your phone, remember that it’s still working unless it’s fully off. Airplane mode will help decrease that EMF exposure. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the WaveBlock™ team.

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